About Us

It all started when the girls left home…we were bored, there was Covid, we needed something to do. I have always been a craft fair enthusiast but as a shopper, not a seller. When all of my craft fair buddies were off living their lives, I took Francis to the Christmas craft fairs. While I was shopping, he was thinking of ways that we could be the sellers not the buyers. With a little research, Sharon and Francis Decor was born!!

Our Amazing Team

We are constantly searching for new ideas and the latest trends. Luckily, we have daughters who are on the cutting edge!! Jacquelina is an artist, Marya a musician and Rebecca a designer, so all of them contribute to Sharon and Francis Decor!!

Sharon Wiegers


Francis Wiegers


Jacquelina Wiegers


Marya Wiegers


Rebecca Wiegers
